TeleForte – Personal Number

The number for individual demands

A personal number makes you available for customers or friends according to your own needs and desires.

With a 0700-number you are able at all times to manage your service number via mobile or laptop – no matter where you are.

Your customers and partners will be able to contact you at this personal number.

You also have the possibility to use this number as a so called “Vanity” – number.

Here you can personalize the product by replacing the numbers with letters - so your (company´s) name will be part of the number.

The daytime (peak) tariff is the same as for the 0180-5 numbers (0,14 € / min fixed net, max. 0,42 € / min mobile net).

Fields of application:

  • Freelancer
  • Travelling field managers
  • Private persons

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